The Right Solution for Lost Keys
06/27/2015 Back To BlogIt is perfectly natural for people to panic in case of lost house keys or office keys. However, anxiety is never a good advisor. It can lead you to making various mistakes that can make the problem worse. The best thing to do is to calm down, identify the most effective solution and implement it. Here is some advice which will help you to get out of this annoying and embarrassing situation in the best possible way.
The Main Dos and Don'ts
The most important thing of all is to avoid doing silly things which can make things worse. You must not attempt to break the door or a window unless someone helpless inside has to be rescued instantly or there is a house fire. Both of these actions can cause extremely serious injuries. Additionally, you must keep in mind that lock repair or replacement is always much cheaper than the replacement of an entire door or window. Given all this, there is no point in doing what the brave guy in a movie would do.
When you find yourself in this difficult situation, you can contact our emergency locksmith company in Alvin for swift professional assistance. It is crucial that you do not attempt to pick the lock yourself. This can cause further damage and pose the need for more complex and more time-consuming lock fix. In some cases, the entire lockset may have to be changed.
It is equally important that you do not leave your property. You have to remain there until the problem is completely resolved and there is a new effectively working device in place. Even though the risk is not particularly high, you have to keep in mind that someone could have found the keys and might attempt to get in. That is why it is best to take precautionary measures.
There are two main solutions to the problem. One of them is lock rekey. This is typically the faster and more cost-efficient option. It can be used provided that the device is designed to be rekeyed. If this is not the case, lock replacement will be the best option. In general, if the device is old and not in particularly good condition or if it has become greatly outdated, replacement with a more advanced unit will be more beneficial.
Although the accident is certainly highly unpleasant, you can readily use the opportunity to make improvements to the security of your house.